Monthly Subscription

Sign up for a recurring monthly payment of $20. Subscribe as long as you want!

Your tax deductible donation will help provide a cat with:

  • Shelter

  • Food

  • Medical Care

How to Sponsor:

  1. Use the Paypal links on this page to select and pay for your sponsorship, then fill out and email the sponsorship form to us OR

  2. Fill out the form below and bring it with payment to the Granby shelter during weekend hours OR

  3. Fill out the form below and mail it with a check to

Sponsor A Cage

24 Ellerton St.

Chicopee, MA 01020

Sponsorship Options

1 Month


3 Months


12 Months


Sponsorship Length

Sponsor A Cage

Nobody likes a cage...but for the nearly 400+ cats that visit Mary's Kitty Korner annually, their cage is what keeps them safe during their stay.

Mary's Kitty Korner

Don't Forget the Sponsorship Form! -->

(860) 379-4141

Don't Forget the Sponsorship Form! -->